Upcoming Career Workshops
Career Exploration Workshop
For College Students & Recent Graduates
Thought you’d have it all figured out by the time you finished college? Still have lots of unanswered questions?
This workshop is specifically designed for you. Through this 3-week series, we will work in small groups to identify your unique passions & skills, explore potential jobs that align, and prepare you for networking to make it happen. This workshop will include custom activities, networking with professionals across numerous industries, and applicable assignments, including updating your resume and LinkedIn presence, to keep you motivated and on track towards your goals. This is your life, so why not take charge of it?
Meets weekly for 90 minutes for 3 weeks.
Career Boost Workshop
For Early-Mid Career Professionals
Now having spent some time in the workforce, you’ve learned more about yourself, the workplace, what potentially lights your fire and what puts you right to sleep. Let’s put all that knowledge to work as you consider the next step in your career. Through this 3-week small group workshop, you will have the opportunity to revisit what you truly want to put your mind and muscle towards in this next stage of your career whether it’s growing within your current organization or finding a new path. Through activities, live networking, customized assignments and a refresh of your personal brand (LinkedIn, Resume, Cover Letter, etc…) we will make sure you are feeling excited and ready for your next move!
Meets weekly for 90 minutes for 3 weeks.
Women in the Workforce
For Mothers Trying To Do It All
Let’s put it right out there, as mothers we can’t do it all… at the exact same time (although we try!) However, we CAN take stock and sway between all our passions, responsibilities and desires to ensure we still have the fulfilling lives we truly want. In this 4-week small group workshop we will discuss and discover your personal passions, build your story to tell via social media profiles, resume, etc.., discuss parenting/professional challenges, and most importantly prepare for how to put all your awesomeness to work through your powerful network. Whether you’re currently out of the workforce and looking to return, stuck in a job that you don’t like, or just looking to grow or find stability in your current profession, this is the workshop for you! In sharing our stories and goals with each other, this small group of strong women will become your advocates, your accountability partners, and your cheerleaders!
Meets weekly for 90 minutes for 4 weeks.
More workshops coming soon for:
High School Graduates
Career Changers